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The principles of a true Tantric massage are rooted in spiritual traditions that originated over 5000 years ago in medieval India. Tantrism's sacred scriptures, called Tantra, hold the secret to deep mysticism surrounding the modern evolution of the Tantric massage. And the key idea that the Tantra promote is that of a great healing power that lays within all of us. A Tantric massage seeks to unlock those healing powers to heal our mental, physical and psychological trauma. The Tantric massage, in line with Tantra teachings, has been performed for centuries as a means of full mind and body cleansing. When administered in its proper form, a Tantric massage is a source of exceptional serenity and mental peace. This, in turn, leads to a series of healing processes that the Tantra scripture define as 'rebirthing' or an 'awakening'. The Tantra teaches that, humans have a untapped healing power in their bodies, and a Tantric massage can unleash those forces for our good. The Tantra teaches that the base of our spine is where this force is stored, and a Tantric massage can tap that hidden energy for the good of our bodies.

Tantric massages are no different from any other form of therapeutic treatments, and must therefore be approached in the same way as those other therapies. Tantra teachings can be misused, if Tantric massages are not performed per prescription, similar to the abuse of prescription drugs. And people who plan to have a Tantric massage should be aware of some of these un-intended outcomes. The first thing to know is that, everyone who claims to be a Tantric massage expert, may not necessarily have the knowledge or skills to administer the Tantra-prescribed massage. And part of the reason there is that modern therapy standards are nonexistent for performing a Tantric massage. In the absence of standards, therefore, prospective clients don't really have a milestone to compare against.

Practitioners are therefore quite free to administer anything, in the name of a "Tantric massage". Secondly, and more importantly, is the spirit with which a Tantric massage should be performed. In Tantra doctrine, Tantric massages are a three dimensional experience - of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Something that cleanses our souls, relaxes our minds and heals our bodies. The sad thing is that,many western Tantric massage "experts" are not aware of this tri-dimensional healing aspect of the massage. While the Tantra scriptures do lay emphasis on human sensuality, in the context of one's 'entire' self, sexual healing is just one aspect of the Tantric traditions. There are more exquisit ways of getting a great massage, all you have to do is let go of your inhibiotions and enjoy the sensations a great source can be found here Unfortunately, many individuals and businesses, advertising Tantric massages these days, focus purely on the carnal aspect of the Tantra rituals. This has made the modern day Tantric massage into more of a sexual encounter. This distortion, between the commercial and the true Tantra inspired versions, means that not every practitioner offers their clients the full experience of what a Tantric massage should really be about. So, buyer beware!
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