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Academia High School should abolish its after-school performing-arts programs and replace them with computer-technology programs. When nearby Techno High School did so last year, total enrollment in all of its after-school activities remained about the same. Moreover, on entering college, many Techno students chose a major directly related to their after-school activities. On the other hand, last year only 10 percent of Academia's graduating seniors chose performing arts as their major field of study in their first year of college, clearly indicating that most students do not have a strong interest in the performing arts.

Rebuttal 의 relevant!!! 가 가장 중요하다.

Conclusion : Academia High School should abolish its after-school performing-arts programs and replace them with computer-technology programs.

Premise 1 : When nearby Techno High School did so last year, total enrollment in all of its after-school activities remained about the same.
Assumption 1 :

Premise 2 : on entering college, many Techno students chose a major directly related to their after-school activities.

Premise 3 : last year only 10 percent of Academia's graduating seniors chose performing arts as their major field of study in their first year of college, clearly indicating that most students do not have a strong interest in the performing arts.

나의 BT는 억지같다..ㅡㅡ;
@ Academia High School 과 Techno High School 과 상황이 같다고 가정하고 있다.
#1-1. Acamemia High School 은 인문계이고 Techono High School 은 실업계 여서 ... Acamemia 학생들의 경우 대학의 전공과 직접적으로 관련이 없을 수도 있다.
#1-2. Academia 학생들 대부분이 performing arts에 강한 관심이 없는 이유는, 대부분의 학생들이 대학에서 인문학이나 공학을 전공하고 싶어하는 인문계 학생들이기 때문일 수도 있다.

@ 작년의 사황이 올해까지 반드시 이어지지 않을 수도 있다.
# Performing arts 는 남학생들보다는 여학생들이 더욱 흥미를 느끼는 분야이다. 그런데 작년에는 Academia High School 의 여학생 비율이 낮아 10%만이 Performing arts를 대학의 전공으로 선택했지만, 올해는 여학생 비율이 훨씬 높아서 더 많은 수가 선택 할 수도 있다.
# 올해 갑자기 performing art 분야가 선풍적인 인기를 끌어 많은 이들의 관심을 받게 될 수도 있다. 특히 드라마의 유행으로 청소년들의 꿈은 많이 변경되곤 한다.

<GoHackers Idea>
#★★★ A's graduating senior's choice could not draw a conclusion that most students do not have strong interest in the performing arts. Perhaps most students like to perform arts very much, but just do not want to choose it as his major. For a career in future, computer is more common for students to choose.

# The arguer should compare the number of Techno students with one of Academia students a major directly related to their after-school activities.
The arguer did not indicate the exact number of Techno students selected a major related to their after-school activities.

#The respondents must be representative of all students graduating. In addition, there is limited period only last year.

Argue #133 Brain Storming

Conclusion : Academia High School should abolish its after-school performing-arts programs and replace them with computer-technology programs.

Premise 1 : When nearby Techno High School did so last year, total enrollment in all of its after-school activities remained about the same.
Premise 2 : on entering college, many Techno students chose a major directly related to their after-school activities.
Premise 3 : last year only 10 percent of Academia's graduating seniors chose performing arts as their major field of study in their first year of college, clearly indicating that most students do not have a strong interest in the performing arts.

Assumtion 1 : The priciple assumes that AHS and Techno High School are similar.
Rebuttal 1: AHS graduating senior's choice could not draw a conclusion that most students do not have strong interest in the performing arts. Perhaps most students like to perform arts very much, but just do not want to choose it as his major. For a career in future, computer is more common for students to choose.

Assumtion 2 : The arguer should compare the number of Techno students with one of Academia students a major directly related to their after-school activities.
Rebuttal 1 : The arguer did not indicate the exact number of Techno students selected a major related to their after-school activities.

Assumtion 3 : The respondents must be representative of all students graduating. In addition, there is limited period only last year.
Rebuttal 1 : There is no the real number of respondents participated in the survey.

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