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Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2011-09-11 05:52:02 by AdrianPetty []
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The smokeless cigarettes aren't fresh out of the factory they are around for some time now. The classical cigarettes are known to cause multiple health problem thus companies started researching better way for smoking. So the general public demanded a healthier solutions, thus the smokeless cigarette was invented. It's quit easy to understand their working principle and electrical charge supplied by a battery transfers the nicotine into you in a vapor form.

These new cigarettes are safer because all the harmful chemicals were removed. These simple ingreedients are without any risks. The exhaled smoke is only water vapor which means that you will be able to smoke in most places where smoking is banned.

Studies have shown that using smokeless cigarettes you will have a much higher success rate on quitting than any other traditional method. The main reason why most traiditonal quitting methods fail is that they get the nicotine in the body too slowly. And yes the electronic version of the cigarette deliver the nicotine as soon as you puff. Sadly people who are trying to quit can't bare the nicotine dependency and this is why they start all over again. Choosing the smokeless cigarettes grants you the permission for chosing the right one for yourself. Most companies have variable options from which you can choose from. Money is a big issue nowadays but did you know that 1 cartridge equals 20 smokes? Yeah you can save a lot of money each and every month. . Thanks to the new technology there multiple choices, you can recharge yours by the wall outlet or even through USB as well.

Sorry to burst your bubble but smoking isn't healthy not even by a longshot. You don't need drastic changes in your life like quitting for good, there's an alternative solution like changing what you are smoking. Essentially you are not giving up smoke, because you can keep your ritual plus you get the nicotine dosage which you are use too. Most brands have a number of flavorings from which you can choose from so don't hesitate to ask them. Only difference is that you are not spending that much money and your health is not in jeopardy.

So many places have banned smoking that it's a real struggle. If I only get a penny for each smoker that I see outside hotels and clubs . Let other stand outside in the cold because you are wiser, all you need is an electronic cigarette and you can smoke inside.

I gonna wrap up this article with a conclusion. Smoking is bad for the health there shouldn’t be any doubt about it. It colors the teeth, it leaves a bad breath and also damages the lungs. Main problem with smokes are that they help cancer. The times we live in, we need to save money and smoking isn't helping but you can have your vice and save money as well if you opt for an electronic cigarette. Finally I've mentioned that if you are getting ready to quit you are setting yourself up to fail if you try nicotine pathces and gums.

So to end this article smokeless cigarettes are safe for your health and will help you save money as well so get them now. Order smokeless cigarettes now

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